I can’t wait to help you achieve your version of success.

Now, had you told me 7 years ago that I would be specializing in helping all of these people I would have thought you were cray. You see, my own journey to success wasn't in a straight line! After my dad's suicide, I dropped out of college to become a magician's assistant (#truestory). I did go drop back in for a certificate in Fashion Merchandising ... and so after bartending, door-to-door sales, working in retail, and becoming a single mom (at 26), I eventually settled into what society deemed "normal" as a young adult.

I went on to work in corporate retail stores like Macy's, Loehmanns, and Fox's. I even owned my own boutique for a little over three years.

But I closed my doors due to the Great Recession and decided to go back to school (again!) I earned my bachelor's of science in psychology, credentials for professional certified ADHD coaching, and almost finished an MBA. (However, I realized that it was really just a vanity project, so yeah, I quit the program with only 3 classes left to graduate 🤣 and no, I don't have ADHD myself).

Setting my ego aside, I went on to embrace my weirdness and completely reinvented myself from the inside out and NOW that's what I help others do!

Not only did I tap into becoming a cosmic magicmaker, I've also discovered how to make transformation almost effortless! I'm so excited to share my experience with you and help, as I can, so that you can grow the magic in your work and personal life, too! Xo,



Throughout my own entrepreneurial journey, I have remained dedicated to helping others reinvent themselves as I have. Whether it's through 1:1 client sessions or group work (I do love my kickass programs), I'm all about increasing influence and impact!

I help all kinds of people .... sales, coaches, personal trainers, developers, artists, teachers, and even lawyers change their habits, reprogram their subconscious ... and make more money using my signature framework called alignment marketing.


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